Monday 19 April 2010

Panama - Santa Catalina, Isla Coiba

Maudie and I went on a day trip to this unique island and ecosystem. Since the mid 1900's the island was a penal colony for vicious Panamanian criminals. Its location some 30 miles off shore in the Pacific Ocean meant, once people had been sent to Coiba they never left.

This unique situation was bad for the inhabitants but great for wildlife, as the island has and hopefully never will be developed for tourism. The prison only closed in 2004 and the last prisoners left in 2008.

We saw free flying Scarlet Macaws roaming the palm trees on the beach, and huge mango trees bursting with fruit. It was funny to be behind bars after the drive down to Santa Catalina, and Maudie we defiantly in need of a little rehab.
We really enjoyed exploring the buildings and the whole island had a feeling like the prisoners had not been long gone....and perhaps they could be hiding just around the corner!

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