Tuesday 23 February 2010

Horse riding, Ometepe - Nicaragua

I should have known it was going to end in tears...

Maudie, Ben and Philipa had thorough-bred (in my eyes) horses with glistening coats and pricked ears...

Mine staggered out of the stables, a few hands too short and fear in his eyes.
But what the hell... we're on holiday. Off down the beach we went. It was beautiful, everyone was enjoying the trot and canter. So was I... until we went through a swarm of flies so thick you could feel them like soup as you waved your hand through the air.

Off my steed went, down the beach at a rapid pace... only to do the splits... throwing me into the air and onto the beach. As our guide chased him 100m down the beach, I rose to the laughter of the others and an incredible winding in my side.

The only cure...RUM. We laughed the night away and I woke in the morning.... sore.

It was Ben's 'best part of the trip' and I am glad Maudie and Phillipa had a great time too.

1 comment:

  1. ah hhahahahahah hhahahha im still chuckling with the image of Pete doing a superman impression before landing head first into black volcanic sand. Whilst my horse thrust its two front legs out and grinded to a halt to avoid adding to Pete's injuries.
